Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Or, you could be an organ grinder

Day 6

Its Sat. night and were partying it up washing out clothes at a laundary mat. Yeah, I know it might sound like a lame thing to do while in Europe on the weekend. But No.1 Jane doesnt drink, so I feel bad about going to the awesome bar crawl and leaving her (15 euro for 1 hour free drink, then at the next 4 bars a free shot when you show up!), No. 2 Probably shouldnt go out since, a) early train, b) the hostel has 2 bathrooms, i bet its a blast waiting in line when you gotta pee out 15 drinks.

Speaking of the hostel, its really not that bad once you get used to it. Like me and Jane when we showed up I saw the looks on peoples faces, then being more pissed off when they told them they are sleeping at the other hostel and have to walk there. Its a cool place, Jenny would die here, just fall on the floor, puke and die.

The traveling situation between Jane and I has its ups and downs, usually we'll have a fight at some point every 1 or 2 days. She already threatened if I "snap" at her again she'll walk off. Maybe, Jane should learn how to read a freaking map, maybe that would fix alot of things. Like not searching for the Lyon hostel for an hour with our packs on.

Today, is the first day I havent eaten something from crappy McDonalds. Its turned into a place to get a quick snack and use a free bathroom. But theres a price, and its crappy McDonalds, I feel like Im doing my own Euro version of Super Size Me. But its "Maxi" size here I guess. I'll think up some gay Euro name later.

Today we saw the prison where Peter and Paul got to hang out, Ive been cooking up some retrospective historical post. You just wait.

I also met Mormon missionaries on the subway. Geez, those guys are everywhere. Instead of giving him a lecture on the "minor" differences I asked about Italy. He said he got robbed in Naples. Oh, by knife, or a bat or something? No, a gun. I guess all these laws do make the streets safer.

Next time, Im going to Brazil, becuase apparently, everyone is hot there (the girls).


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