Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Be neutral, name a cheese after yourself

So today we landed in Interlaken, Switzerland. Neither of us had ever heard of it and just stumbled on it looking for a place near a big mountain. Apparently, everyone has heard of it and already been here. They all say its a blast, and theres plenty of crap to do, white water rafting, sky diving, etc. other extreme sports. But as cool as the scenary is, I get the feeling Interlaken is little more than a fratty American hub, with rich kids blowing money on whatever exciting thing and beer. In an earlier post I made fun of myself for not going to a bar crawl. But I wonder if thats not why alot of people I see come to Europe, just a new place to get drunk. If I had gone to the bar crawl, it would have been to meet people and hang out, not stumble back to our tiny hostel and sleep till 12. I can spend money on over priced drinks in America and not have to pay for a plane ticket to do it.

After that little rant against people who come to Europe, just to drunkenly make out with an American who goes to another college, Swiss. is pretty awesome. I gave Jane a thrilling lecture on Swiss neutrality, their banking and why they wont enter the EU, their pretty money, and the finer points in defending Swiss. from attack. Fun times.

Its 1pm, I should head to the pool for some Heni's and to talk to tha^t girl from NY. (she seems easy!)


At Fri Jun 17, 08:32:00 PM EDT, Blogger cvr said...

your euro frat party is exciting! here is a link to the up-and-coming discussion blog.

At Fri Jun 17, 08:36:00 PM EDT, Blogger cvr said...


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