Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Welcome to Egypt

I was planning on doing a post on weird things or comments I never got around to before. Thats until I got to Egypt.

The day before I left the Athens the unions declared a strike, which then sent everyone in the hostel into total chaos. Some people woke up at 5 to try to check the first 7am ferry, some peoples flights were totally canceled, and some peoples flight were just delayed. I decided to go the the airport waaaaaay early, and lived there for 12 hours, making small talk with an Aussy guy that joined the desperate band of hostelers trying to leave Greece.

As for Egypt, I dont even how to begin. Will about got ran over, we got lost in an area thats probably never sees a tourist, and we stick out as if we were neon yellow. During the lost part, people would yell "hello" as we tried to figure out which alley would lead us back to the main part of the city (or atleast the part where theres tons of cops). Got suckered into buying papyrus 2x, so if anyone wants one let me know.

Saw the Pyramids today, Nile dinner cruise thing tonight. The hostel had a guy offer us a package, after nearly 2 hours of going back and fourth we did it. I was awake for about 13 hours yesterday (got in at 5am, woke up at 11am) and I think I spent atleast 5-6 hours looking at papyrus, haggling, or both. Egypt, while fun,can wear on you. You cant see stuff w/o having bedouins try to get money for standing nest to a statue and piont to it. Everyone wants alittle bit. Jenny would die here, she wouldnt even have time to fall, puke and die. Just start to fall and die one the way down before she hit the layer of dirt on everything.

Saw a huge fight last night when we tried ot go eat btwn a guy and girl in this mall restarant/fast food area, shoes, mops and fists all were used, and about 10 security and more civilians tried to break it up (3x). When it cleared out, Derrick went to the counter to get his food the guy said to us "Welcome to Egypt!" I laughed.

This place is like another planet.


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