Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Sun, sand, and museums

Cairo wears on you, constantly you'll run into great English speaking people that usually try to lead you to a "Government Musuem", which some people would call anoverpriced papyrus shop. Trying to get to the real Egyptian Museum yesterday we got stuck by 3 guys, all who told us the museum was close b/c of noon prayers (for an hour) or there was huge tour groups, and to just stop into a government musuem. Trying to stay polite and joke and say no every time you turn around starts to grat on you.

Otherwise, the city is ridiculous, theres no crosswalks, you just make your way through traffic, InSha'allah.

Gotta go, heading to the airport to (hoprfully) make it to Jerusalem via taxi. That means going through the West Bank and I guess making it through all the Gaza pull out protestors I just saw on the news.

Promise I'll fill stuff in later.


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