Team Khateer

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Friday, July 01, 2005

Jerusalem, Navel of the World

So Ive been hanging out in the Old City of Jerusalem for a few days. I can see the Dome of the Rock from my hotel roof. The Muslim quarter is busy (where the hotel is), the Christian and Armenian quarters are filled with souvenoir stores and the Jewish quarter is kind of snooty if your not Jewish. Ive been hanging out more by the Jaffa Gate (Xian quarter cause there are benches to watch people). Tomorrow I go back to Jordan and the next day start school. Yeah, Ive been speaking alittle with people, but largely, Im SOL.

I dont think I explained how awesome the Ukranian, Sergey, was. The Russians picked a Ukranian to be in the Speltna's. Thats something in itself, I remember reading about their training and its typical rough Russian style. Alot of mental torture-at one point they twist the recruits arm back and apply a knife to his chest. You now have a choice, a broken arm or a deep cut-theres no door No. 3 on that one. He was there in Afghanistan chasing the Mujahadeen through the mountains, he fought the Paki's. He said he was wanted by the Greeks for security but he wanted to go back home and buy a car.

Anyway, concerning Jerusalem. Once you find a small and rare moment in the day where a shopkeeper isnt trying to get you "to come in a get a business card" (which no one has actually ever given me) Jerusalem is a place like no other. Its hard to explain. The more Im here and the more people I talk to the more the idea of peace flies away. For Christians, Jerusalem is the central hinge in Xianty. The Via Dolorosa where Jesus dragged the cross to execution and the church of the Holy Seplucere (excution site-they think). Outside the city he resurrected. For Jews, its the site of the Temples, the remaining Wailing Wall. For Muslims, the Dome of the Rock (Mohammad made his trip to Heaven) and the Al Aqsa Mosque. You cant just make a trade with someone for all these things. To make it more complicated than it already is-the Dome of the Rock actaully sits on top of the old temple, and the former Holy of Holies? Inside. Another interesting thing is near the DotR (thats a little WarCraft 3 forum slang for you guys-D.ome o.f t.he R.ock) is the Golden Gate, which is sealed. Whats the big deal about that one? Its where the Messiah will re-enter the city according to the OT. You cant just divide up a place like this, and at the same time no one wants to share either.

One thing being over here you realize how calm the US is. Race takes a totally new level in this part of the world. In America when you hear about Jesus (Jewish) taking to Gentiles you dont thing much about it. Over here, I can definately understand how that would make waves. People dont like talking about religion in the US, over here its on your ID card. Sometimes I almost forget the problems here and then you see armed IDF standing around or armed civilian officers. Monks and tourist walking throught the Via D are escorted by police. I was walking throught the Jewish q and a few girls are haning out by a cafe, one of them with a rifle. And all those whiny people (they drive me crazy)at OU who always bitch about preachers or people trying to hand them stuff, theyd absolutely die trying to get through the streets with the shopkeepers.

In Jerusalem Ive seen Jews really cry at the Wailing Wall (only remaining part of the second temple and time of the start of the large diaspora by the Romans), and Ive seen Xians cry on the Via D and CotHS (Indian Xians!? dot kind). I imagine someone is crying at the DotR, but the police wouldnt let me in today(Friday-Muslim Sunday).

Its hard to grasp your in a city thats 5000 yrs old, and esp all the events here. Then I look over to the next comp and kids are playing GTA San Andreas for hours.

Welcome to Jerusalem. Im going to get some more fresh mashed OJ.


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