Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


I’ve become aware that I’ve once again been infected by the travel bug. Maybe more correctly, my travel sickness has relapsed. As long as there are streets to wonder down, and towns to arrive at during the night with little idea where to stay, I can keep going.

The bad thing about getting the travelbug is you’ll get all emotional about quiet, winding streets, or hearing children speak different languages. Then your internal narration turns into attempted poetic tales of lands far off.

Strangely, the more I want to press south into Africa, and east into Eastern Europe, and then the giant continent of Asia, the more I also want to travel America. That New England road trip is coming.

Hopefully I can get something about the awesome Greek Islands in quickly.

Friday, July 27, 2007

A Spartan reference no one will understand

I meant to do a post on Rome. I really did. Besides delighting everyone of the harrowing tales of traveling, I also I like to later print out and put together a small book of all the posts. A journal if you will. Unfortunately, by my own laziness in not writing enough down ever, I've come up a little short on material. Maybe Rome will come out of order like Munich. Maybe I'll sit down and really get everything down. Maybe I'll also paint those paintings of the 10 avatars of Vishnu.

Anyway, we've been in Athens for what turned into four nights. There's something I like immensely about the Greeks. Taking away all the history and battles and whatnot, I still just like being here. Though lets get real, this is the place that saw the Peloponnesian Wars, and a little something else too.

It may be though, as much as I try to detach myself from any attachment, there's still a host of refuges for them to hide. One of which is the food. My diet over the last four days has consisted entirely (no joke) of gyros. I've tried multiple places around the city, and have found the one place that has the best. The pork is better than the lamb, but I'm not sure anything wouldn't taste good when its cut off with a sword and served with a 1/2lb. of tzatziki. Oh, and the beautiful tomatoes.

I'm on a 4-5 a day habit.

In other news, Frank actually mentioned he realized he was more used to the "group travel". I've been hard at work not at accepting this difference, but bending him to the fun side. I don't know everything by a long shot, but I have much to teach him. A somewhat funny episode happened tonight when I was haggling over a bootleg movie. The guy said 5, but since we were suddenly good friends he would go 4. I knew I could probably get 2 after a protracted battle, but I was going to go for the quick 3. Just as I'm explaining thats all I have the guy says "your friend has money". I look over to see Frank counting the euros in his hand. Maybe next time.

But tomorrow, at 5pm to be exact, we're finally hoping the stupid ferries to head to Naxos, and then Santorini. Hopefully it will be a week of camping, and not evil sunburns.

You probably know Santorini from when Real World went there a few years back. The one in San Diego. The one with Jamie. You all know you think shes cute.

Anyway, here's to hoping there won't be any puking on the ferries. By me or Frank. He's already gotten a kick in the balls when the flight from Rome to Athens didn't include his bag.

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Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Munich, more than just a terrible movie

Here's my post I had written for Munich. To be fair to Frank, by this time things had gotten pretty low when I was looking back at the fun times of the trip. After this was written though I realized something, like an episode of Full House at the end when the music plays. Frank and I are just different travelers. The short explanation is he's the more tour group variety, and I'm not. Plus I probably often judge people too harshly anyway. But its something to post. I'm in Athens and am hoping to get out something about Rome before gyros melt my memory. (maybe thats why I'm so happy):

For a long time since this cluster F of a trip began I started to set my sights on one city to redeem everything, the much heralded Munich. If this trip was a game of roulette, my fun chips would be a pretty small pile from the stack that I started out with (you cash in your expected fun and use it for chips). Bright eyed and believing that, yes, Europe could always be fun no matter who you traveled with. Several weeks of reaping the rewards of non-existent pre-planning, rain/clouds/cold, and realizing Frank is gf-sick had hit me hard. Closing my eyes, I placed the last few chips on the Munich square. Then the wheel started to spin.

My eyes lit up with excitement as the ball landed in my hopeful spot. Instantly I was awarded a delicious wurst of some sort of variety. Butcher shops and beers halls awaited me. I even succeeded in prying Frank to go to a Mexican bar. I met a Frenchman that said a 10 euro bottle of California wine was always a better buy than a 10 euro French bottle of wine. I also met a pot smoking girl with her doctorate in sociology that teaches at a law school I almost but didn’t apply to (and was kinda an idiot). It was a wonderful whirlwind of mostly how sick I could make myself on how many little sausage sandwiches I could eat.

Then, we went to Dachau, the first concentration camp. It kinda killed the meat buzz. To make it even worse we went through the museum backwards. Starting out with liberation and then going to conditions in the camp (medical experiments!) to the start of National Socialism. Half way through, you’re thinking “I want to go back to the part where they executed the SS guards.” Instead you move onto how the Greeks, Jews, Polish, etc. etc. all ended up at the camp.

To add to it, the rains came once we got out of the museum.

Then we went back to Munich and a triple wurst sandwich made me forget all that I had learned.

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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Transmission attempt

I did have a pretty well crafted post about Munich. Alas though, its on the laptop and Ive been without wifi to transmit it. It was all refined and readable, since I spent some train time on it. Unfortunately, you won't get to read it. Just trust me, Munich is pretty cool.

We then went to Salzberg and Verona, which I think I posted about. After Verona we hit up the sweet coast of Cinque Terra. All there is really to do is get sunburned on the beaches and hike the 4 1/2 hour trail through all the towns, all of which are check, check, and check. We also just cooked at our hostel, which was more of a room type thing. They also have wine for as low as 1.85. I'm just saying.

I also got the chance to embarass myself infront of the 2 Canadian girls with a little sleep walking stunt. I was trying to ask Frank something and couldn't speak, instead of helping they laughed and pointed and told me in the morning.

Saw the leaning tower of Pisa.

Today I was shot in the face by my bottlecap from a water bottle that had the carbonated water. It hit me in the cheek and continued its flight into the unknown. Like the rocket in 9th grade which I replaced the A engine for a D one, Ill never know where it landed.

But I'm in Florence (or Firenze) right now, its super hot, as is our non AC room at night. Sweaty sleeping is in. Florence, Pisa, Verona, they're all nice Renaisance cities with the cathedrals and other towering buildings. Its all nice to see, but not much to write about.

And a parting note to my friends, I know I'm bad at keeping in contact when I'm not within 15 minutes of you, but I fully expect one awesome Bourg. party when I get back. I'm thinking for the theme-robots.

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Fair Verona

We kinda buzzed quicklt through Salzberg, it wasnt bad. This guy we ran into on the street though told us about some far cooler stuff though that was close around. Ice caves and Hitlers Eagle Nest were just two of them.

But we hit up Verona, with our standard getting lost and spending 3-4 extra hours getting to the hotel. Verona is prettz nice though. Lots of old Italian architecture and streets, along with some Imperial Venitian stuff thrown in for good measure.

Plus the crappz band Muse was doing a concert tonight at the old coloseum. Which explains why when we calculated the dates wrong for Verona and canceled, then re-did them our cool place inside of town was booked. Banished to the outskirts, we have to come back early. And sweat.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Travel Rule No 1: Flexibility

We went down to Dessau, which Frank wanted to go to for the Bauhaus. It’s something only a person interested in architecture would want to go see, otherwise the town is pretty East German crap-tastic. I initially thought we were going to the site of the first concentration camp, Dacchau. That’s a different place altogether. As Providence would smile on me, it’s a quick trip outside of the long awaited Munich.

To add to the pointlessness of Dessau, our hotel was located 2 ½ miles from the center of the city. We ended up walking it since on Sundays the buses seemed questionable at best. Just when I thought I might murder Frank though, we found out about the only good thing about Dessau; it’s a 30 minute train to Whittenberg.

You might know about this town since it was the birthplace of Martin Luther and the epicenter of what would become the globe changing Reformation. His house is now a cool museum. Luther as well had the presence of mind for future tourists to nail the 95 Theses right down the street. So it’s a quick walk through a Protestant wonderland.

Then today we were ready to hit Munich. The long awaited savior of Germany. I don’t know if Munich is really that great, but we’re starting to grab at straws.

The lazy Easties (that’s what I like to call the East Germans) declared a short morning strike which has left us on a 3 hour wait. When we finally got to Liepzig to then connect to Munich we realized that our train was practically empty. I think most people heard about the strike and just went home. Each car has literally around four people in it. It’s a pretty nice change from the Paris-Berlin ride.

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Saturday, July 07, 2007

I beat myself

I have a post coming about East Germany and the Commies and such, but maybe tomorrow.

I'm sitting here in Berlin. As usual everyone has gone to bed which leaves me to my night-time starring at the wall next to me. I really need to bring my books to the internet/pin pong room. Anyway, a little thought popped into my head: what would I do if the much anticipated zombie invasion took place, but I'm here?

Being probably the most prestigious zombie authority in probably whatever region of the country OK is in, I think I have just one-upped myself.

I mean, I have enough knowledge to fall back on, but the different situations that would arise of this happening while you were in a completely alien land are interesting.
1 There's the obvious language barrier with the other survivors. Im not sure if Frank would make it, but I would need him as another English speaker. (zombie survival is all about numbers, as probably surving humans could be more dangerous to you than the zombie hordes.

2 Only the police and army have guns. This would be a big problem. You could survive in a good structure and use clubs, but no guns would really limit your offensive capabilities.

3) Except for the quickly made post WWII stuff, European buildings are generally stone and have few entrances and high windows. Major plus.

4) I suspect food would be more difficult to get here.

5) I wouldn't want to get Camp Syndrome trapped with these East Berlin girls. I think they've been around the block a few times. On the other hand, I'd probably be too busy building zombie traps to worry about it.

6) Besides rampant alcoholism (and peeing on building in front of you), I doubt the East Germans would be able to organize very well.

7) I'm pretty sure it would be difficult to get out of the city, which anyone knows is vital.

The outbreak happening when I was in a smaller city would be better, or dare I say it while my heart flutters: if I'm somewhere with a castle. (thought most don't have doors anymore)

Now I'm going to be laying in bed trying to figure this out.

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dear ol friend

I was going to post this on outraged, but it seems I've been voted off the island. It's not like I had taken over actually keeping the island(s) from sinking into the ocean or anything, but I'm sure CVR has a fantastic plan. One that no doubt involves a lot of hate.

But anyway, at this point in the trip we just named the clouds following us, Claude and Logan. I wouldn't even say it was when we got here, our plane in Tulsa was delayed two hours because of storms in Chicago. It seems these American born clouds are also touring Europe.

Berlin has just been raining the past several days. And I don't know if I mentioned it, but the experienced jet setter I am decided to take 15lbs. of books and a computer than any cold weather clothes besides 3 long sleeve shirts. Frank however, didn't bring anything, so my small supply is stretched even further.

Friday, July 06, 2007

Berlin is the würst hahaha

Berlin is an interesting city, though seven nights in it are more than enough to see everything. Its strange here that theres really not a very many German places to eat. There are tons of the rainbow of Asian places (Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, etc.), and a billion donner kebab places. The city does though have its own little food, the currywurst.

Legend has it that a German POW came back from America (we just started shipping prisoners back to not deal with them) and told his wife about these great spare ribs he had. So she put 1) ketchup and 2) curry powder on a wurst and thus the birth of the currywurst. Yeah, you could make one at home. You'll probably only make it once though since its nothing to really write an entire post about.

But there are currywurst stands everywhere, so we eat it.

But other than that I think the best part of Berlin is definately Checkpoint Charlie, which I really can't be there enough.

I also can not wait until I get to Munich. Berlin is kinda too modern for its own good and doesnt give off the German vibe. In Munich I plan to eat kraut until I pass out, fall of the big bench, and it drips out of my mouth.

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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Ich bein Berliner

We're in Berlin, for I guess the second, wait third night. It didnt start out so well. In Caen we found out the buses DO NOT run on the weekends and thus, we didn't get to see the Normandy beaches. Then we took the train to Paris and got the train to Berlin. Its 11 hours if you were wondering. However, as in the past Jane and I slept nicely in a couchette (a 6 person thing that has 6 beds, one night we were alone! that's important later). This time though there weren't couchettes. We thought it would be nice, since when we started it was only us. Then in Brussels we picked up the rest of the 4. I ended up in the dinning car talking to the girl of the couple (or brother and sister?) which turned out to super lame pot heads. The night was spent with my mind wondering until about 5am when I could fall asleep. Not the nice sleep though, the kind you wake up from after 30 minutes and have to re-adjust from your neck being in intense pain from being in some uncomfortable setting for the last 30 minutes.

Then we got to Berlin, which from Sunday has gotten better. When we got here the city was strangely vacant, of people, of sound, of anything. I kinda hoped my zombie invasion had actually happened. But after the days have past I doubt it. Although seeing Cold War stuff is pretty awesome. Oh, how I hate, hate, hate the Russians. For more than a few reasons.

They're a crafty and corrupting people.

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