Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Munich, more than just a terrible movie

Here's my post I had written for Munich. To be fair to Frank, by this time things had gotten pretty low when I was looking back at the fun times of the trip. After this was written though I realized something, like an episode of Full House at the end when the music plays. Frank and I are just different travelers. The short explanation is he's the more tour group variety, and I'm not. Plus I probably often judge people too harshly anyway. But its something to post. I'm in Athens and am hoping to get out something about Rome before gyros melt my memory. (maybe thats why I'm so happy):

For a long time since this cluster F of a trip began I started to set my sights on one city to redeem everything, the much heralded Munich. If this trip was a game of roulette, my fun chips would be a pretty small pile from the stack that I started out with (you cash in your expected fun and use it for chips). Bright eyed and believing that, yes, Europe could always be fun no matter who you traveled with. Several weeks of reaping the rewards of non-existent pre-planning, rain/clouds/cold, and realizing Frank is gf-sick had hit me hard. Closing my eyes, I placed the last few chips on the Munich square. Then the wheel started to spin.

My eyes lit up with excitement as the ball landed in my hopeful spot. Instantly I was awarded a delicious wurst of some sort of variety. Butcher shops and beers halls awaited me. I even succeeded in prying Frank to go to a Mexican bar. I met a Frenchman that said a 10 euro bottle of California wine was always a better buy than a 10 euro French bottle of wine. I also met a pot smoking girl with her doctorate in sociology that teaches at a law school I almost but didn’t apply to (and was kinda an idiot). It was a wonderful whirlwind of mostly how sick I could make myself on how many little sausage sandwiches I could eat.

Then, we went to Dachau, the first concentration camp. It kinda killed the meat buzz. To make it even worse we went through the museum backwards. Starting out with liberation and then going to conditions in the camp (medical experiments!) to the start of National Socialism. Half way through, you’re thinking “I want to go back to the part where they executed the SS guards.” Instead you move onto how the Greeks, Jews, Polish, etc. etc. all ended up at the camp.

To add to it, the rains came once we got out of the museum.

Then we went back to Munich and a triple wurst sandwich made me forget all that I had learned.

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At Thu Jul 26, 03:21:00 PM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

meat will do that to you.

At Fri Jul 27, 04:56:00 AM EDT, Anonymous Anonymous said...

At this point all i can do is laugh


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