Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Friday, July 27, 2007

A Spartan reference no one will understand

I meant to do a post on Rome. I really did. Besides delighting everyone of the harrowing tales of traveling, I also I like to later print out and put together a small book of all the posts. A journal if you will. Unfortunately, by my own laziness in not writing enough down ever, I've come up a little short on material. Maybe Rome will come out of order like Munich. Maybe I'll sit down and really get everything down. Maybe I'll also paint those paintings of the 10 avatars of Vishnu.

Anyway, we've been in Athens for what turned into four nights. There's something I like immensely about the Greeks. Taking away all the history and battles and whatnot, I still just like being here. Though lets get real, this is the place that saw the Peloponnesian Wars, and a little something else too.

It may be though, as much as I try to detach myself from any attachment, there's still a host of refuges for them to hide. One of which is the food. My diet over the last four days has consisted entirely (no joke) of gyros. I've tried multiple places around the city, and have found the one place that has the best. The pork is better than the lamb, but I'm not sure anything wouldn't taste good when its cut off with a sword and served with a 1/2lb. of tzatziki. Oh, and the beautiful tomatoes.

I'm on a 4-5 a day habit.

In other news, Frank actually mentioned he realized he was more used to the "group travel". I've been hard at work not at accepting this difference, but bending him to the fun side. I don't know everything by a long shot, but I have much to teach him. A somewhat funny episode happened tonight when I was haggling over a bootleg movie. The guy said 5, but since we were suddenly good friends he would go 4. I knew I could probably get 2 after a protracted battle, but I was going to go for the quick 3. Just as I'm explaining thats all I have the guy says "your friend has money". I look over to see Frank counting the euros in his hand. Maybe next time.

But tomorrow, at 5pm to be exact, we're finally hoping the stupid ferries to head to Naxos, and then Santorini. Hopefully it will be a week of camping, and not evil sunburns.

You probably know Santorini from when Real World went there a few years back. The one in San Diego. The one with Jamie. You all know you think shes cute.

Anyway, here's to hoping there won't be any puking on the ferries. By me or Frank. He's already gotten a kick in the balls when the flight from Rome to Athens didn't include his bag.

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At Mon Nov 10, 09:52:00 PM EST, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.


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