Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Blowing off steam

This last weekend we took a jaunt to Alexandria. For the historical rundown: Alexander the Great founded the city, it was home to the Great Lighthouse, as well as the Great Library (which they re-built to be all fancy), also Napoleon invaded here too, leaving a French influence (& restaurants) in Egypt.

Since the dorms we live in are gender segregated, & there's generally few places places can express their romantic/lust feelings, the sexual tension/frustration of the group has steadily been boiling. Of course being let loose in a hotel w/o any of the security for who's in who's room & the ability to drink alcohol lead immediately to gossip, blossoming relationships, etc. (2 people had a preconceived plan & ran into a room as soon as we checked in) It's like I'm in a Jr. High Summer Camp. Except the girls have had more time to be spoiled. I'm just waiting for people to openly not like each other. Then it's going to get fun.

If you were itching to know- in Egypt the main source of alcohol seems to not be the independent liquor stores, but a chain that sells 4 kinds of beer & (expensive) liquor & wine.


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