Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Wednesday, August 01, 2007


So after something like an eight hour ferry from Athens, we’ve been in the Greek Island of Naxos. There’s superfast ferries, but they cost twice the amount. Something after that last boat ride I now consider a good deal.

All the Greek islands are pretty amazing, I do have to say. I must admit, I just like them for them simply being cool, and not because I made out with some Australian girl (which I haven’t). The cafes hang out octopus on ropes outside their respective places, people wander through the winding streets to the top of the old Venetian quarter, you lay on the beach. That’s all there is really to do.

When we first got here we went to the campsite we planned on staying at, not having a tent they put us in an already made one. I guess they didn’t feel like searching for the keys to the huts since it was 2 am. That meant though, we got to sleep on the soft, soft ground. I did spread out my towel for extra padding. The next day we upgraded to the luxurious hut with a dirt floor, though with beds.

We don’t just lay on the beach, we build. There’s something about playing in sand that I immensely enjoy; whether digging giant holes or constructing dueling fortresses. From walking to the spot where we usually go (which after 3 days is filled with ruined monuments) I guess there are guys that come to the beach to impress girls with their tans and coolness. I impress girls with the cubist style castle I just made (complete with bridges and several lines of defense walls and moats). When I get tired of building or digging there’s always burying someone. Which when you have two people means Frank or I.

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At Wed Aug 01, 07:07:00 PM EDT, Blogger S. Seikel said...

new england is good.. except all the dumb people that travel in the fall to observe leaves turning colors. Now, road trip through mexico is the money.. um.. trip.


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