Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Bathtub's are for cleanin'

Tonight I finally broke down and washed my, and some of my dear hilarious roommate that I torture, Gary's clothes. We had been suspicious that the hotel would charge us for doing are laundary, we were right. Im not sure if they charge you if they lose it as it seems has happened to more than a few people. So with the hotel explaining to us that they send it to someone who will give us a "discount rate" everyone has 1) stopped wearing clean clothes, and 2) when 1 fails wash them in the bathtub.

Hearing someone here say theyre giving you a discounted rate for whatever, by now makes you automatically ask how exactly, EXACTLY what the price will be. This will be followed by mumbles and non-answering.

Before I left for Europe I didnt mind wearing the same jeans for a week, a shirt for 2-3 days, and freshly clean boxers and socks. Slowly through Europe all these time frames began to extend. Where am I now? Well, today I decided to put on "new" old boxers cuase when you cant remember that last time you werent wearing them, you one day decide to change (after the day you realize you cant remember how long theyve been on your body). Some people might think this would cause you to stink, trust me, I blend in well with the other students.

Washing the clothes in the tub is one of those activities you just know your wasting your time. Fill up tub, add detergent (optional!) and start swirling. How long do you swirl? Well if the machine takes something like 20 min to do it on the washing cycle, I figure my strength puts me swirling to Arabic music videos until I get bored to be equal. Even though your laughing at yourself trying to swirl away your fine collection of dust, the water turns a nice disgusting brown color. Then, futily attempt to wash detergent out with shower head and let dry. The drying turns your room into a gaint clothes line as were kinda short on stuff to hang stuff on. I just know I'll be wearing a pair of slightly cleaner jeans in no more than three days. HA.

Other than that, earlier at the internet cafe I talked to a Saudi guy whose dad worked for Aramco Oil Co. He had lived in the US and Canada, along with other oil type places. He was going to a university in Jordan for med school, and mentioned how the Jordanian doctors were racist and everything (cuase he wasnt Jordanian).

That statement is funny, becuase I had thought, and now here its pretty apparent that the Arabs have nicely assumed the nationalities placed upon them. The idea of the Arab nation has been replaced with looking down on Arab Saudi's or whoever, from whatever Arab country you live in. Its kinda strange that an ethnicity that was divided has began to form their own subsets of ethnicities (if you can do that). But I guess, being from OK, I do look down on those poor, stupid Texans (and RI'ers).

Thats kinda the summed up version of that, otherwise Ive slowly kept trying to figure out the Arabs, and if there is anything to really figure out. Except the Saudi guy did seem to not like Jordanians or Egyptians (not sure why-he said the thing about no order).

Sometime I might get back to Islam and the headscarf (which I dont think is that bad actually).

Oh, got another convert for the Movientcian cause. Keep the Five Virtues in your heart and on your tongue.


At Thu Jul 28, 08:39:00 PM EDT, Blogger bitterhoney said...

carmen and i decorated our room with laundry and underwear... after we washed them in the tub... it was art really...


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