Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Sunday, July 10, 2005


So the last post I left it at i didnt really like the Arabs. The thing I was really confused about is I think everyone Ive met has been atleast nice, and at best great. What the disconnect is then, how do I not like the Arabs as a whole? Luckily, a guy had some books (I dont know why-he doesnt seem like would have read them) but I started reading-yes-The Arabs. The book is a little simplistic but it offered some insights I hadnt put my finger quite on yet. Its been my quest in my free time to figure out what exactly shapes Arab people and their society. Wish me good luck on that one.

On a more personal note, and by that only I would care about this cuase Im the only one here, is that luckily, our hall is the cool hall. Or atleast the guys that line it with me seem to share the same thinking. When Im not spending the total 7-8 hours on the bus or at school, and not eating, I spend most of the time in the hotel sitting in the hall. I have a perfectly clean bed in my room, but sitting on the floor listening to ipods doesnt seem to have the same notion of some sort of production. Actually, I think a part of it is that the business center we were studying in is now occupied by Europeans, and the hall is actually on of the places where everyone would have a fair amount of light (since half the rooms have a ceiling light-if you combined everyones-it would be a fantastic totally complete and working room).

Sad news also, is that sickness has crept upon me. I thought I had really beaten it, but as soon as the words slipped out of my mouth that I thought I was in the clear, slap! Luckily, Im not leaning over puking in the beduea (sp bad) while sitting on the toliet as one guy told me happened to him one time over here. But I do feel sick every time after I eat. So i went from being hungary all the time to now feeling sick most of the time, add homework into that and its going to be an awesome 6 weeks. Thinking of a survey of the people I known of that have gotten sick I'd say Ive gotten it pretty easy if this is my adjusting sickness, a big InSha'Allah on that one.

Besides taking my song writing ability to the newly cool hallmates we've also began to assign people hilarious nicknames to avoid actually ever speaking in Arabic to eachother. My favorite is Mammy, which is a guy, the teachers turned his name into "bresst" so we tinkered with that.

Also, a bit of trivia, its really hard to get married here. In the ol' States the parents fork it over largely, in Jordan the guy has to pay a dowery. Talking to our minder he said for his family status, after you add up, wedding clothes, wedding party, and furniture to furnish an apartment and other stuff, he was looking at around 15,000 to maybe 20,000 Jordanian Dinars. And no, he does not get paid 100,000 JD a year or anything.

Whats kinda funny about the group here Ive noticed, except for dinner the guys and girls largely dont hang out with each other, I think its becuase the guys spend most of the time trying to learn Arabic and the girls keep their books open and chat.

Does anyone even read this anymore? I cant remember when the last time I posted was or what I ever talk about. No wonder I hated blogs.


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