Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

I heart sand

Today we got a surprize announcement that we'll get to attend a session of the Jordanian Pariliment (I really need to learn how to spell). The session seems it will be pretty cool as they are voting to accept or not the cabinet positions I believe. I guess this year its more of a controversy than others, so hopefully there will be fireworks, and some good ol' mop swingin'. I actually think the real reason Im really excited is one, no school tomorrow, two, full free weekend, and three, tomorrow we dont leave until 1030! I'll get to stay in my warm little bed waaaaaay past 730. And my roommate Gary wont give me a mean look when I tell him its time again to learn Arabic.

I didnt plan to say anything about ol' Gary, but heres a good chance as any. Gary is 19, and Im 23. Gary has a girlfriend, and I dont. Gary is short and sort of quite and likes Harry Potter. To help him read another guy who had bought a drum and I made up a song for Gary. Its saying Gary over and over to a tune for about 10 minutes. Other peoples names didnt fit as well, and now the Gary song can be heard from various people humming ever since. Im not sure how entertaining that is to anyone, but you try and make a song saying Gary for 10 minutes. But you wont have Gary starring at you, trying to figure out if theres any way possible he can defenestrate (sp) 2 guys that are bigger than him.

Anyway, I dont think I want to go back to America. Im kinda pissed off they only had this program for a weak 6 weeks, we need to be here for 10 to even get a start. The more Im over here, the more the thought of bitching that I know I'll hear when I go back digs into me. Im not going on a self righteous streak (well, I geuss so) but most of the problems that people focus on in the States is largely stupid and pointless. The people crammed into rotting buildings in Cairo have it bad, we dont. I dont think I really need to rant on this, the point is pretty obivious, and so is what I would say. People here seem alot more content with what they have, and more silent about what they want (well, if it doesnt involve seeing a graduation). Maybe I just dont know b/c I dont hang out with Jordanians all the time, but I hope not.

I think my brain is too jumbled from the video games to make a clear statement, but the last thing I'll say is: Nearly everyone Ive met has either been to Am, has family there, or wants to live there. It seems it would be alot easier to just institute American stuff in your country, then things wouldnt be crappy. Im thinking more of Egypt than Jordan (this place is like going to Alaska or something). Egypt theres a tax worth the car you buy, buy a 30,000 pound car, pay an equal tax. Nasser placed rent ceilings in the 50's, so no one bothers to keep a building nice if you can only charge so much, thus the city has been rotting, and getting bigger, for around 50 years. Maybe I'll just stay here teaching basic economics.

The Arabs arent bad or scarey, they just need our freshmen econ books.

I promise someday I'll make a fluid point, someday.


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