Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Sunday, July 24, 2005

Sweet air, sweet air

Well, its good to know the summer edition of suicide bombings has finally gotten into high gear. Here in Jordan nothing really has changed, or mentioned by anyone. We just take a different way home through a residential district when, you know, 3-4 people blow themselves up in a Western country.

In other equally un-nerving news, a new trend has started on our floor. See, about every other day theres a wedding that shows up at the hotel. They all get there, have a band and dance. They do a "we got to the hotel" dance outside, then they slowly move inside a do a few "we are in the lobby" dances, then they crowd around the elevator and send off the bride and groom with more dancing and band playing. Then, since they're always on the 6th or 7th floor, and we're on the 5th, we get to hear more "this is a wedding" dancing and band playing. Ive also noticed that 2 younger girls always jump in the elevator with the bride and groom. I can assure the Mid East (or atleast Amman) isnt going to run out of Arabs in the near future.

But anyway, the last 2 days for some reason the various weddings children have found us. They first come with 2-3 boys followed by girls and younger boys, you then are engaged in a spastic conversation where niether party can really speak the others language, so you fill it with starring, and starring. After a random point in time, they either get tired of you or want more candy and run away. Dont worry, they then come back around 3-10,000 times.

The first wedding was neat to see, the 25th it got old not being able to use the elevator for an hour, but the million-th I just wonder why, why, why this hotel.

I have a test in 2 days, Im screwed. Unless I can smuggle a small wedding child in my bag to help me.


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