Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Livin' it up at the Foduq Balmara

Thinking about the last post, I have reread it, but Im pretty sure it was a jumbled mess of attempting how to explain how Islam contributes to the Arab mind. Im pretty sure alot of it may have drifted into the ranting zone, but no, I wont edit. Not becuase Im not excalty sure how to but, who cares. Theres a point in there somewhere. I think when Ive learned alittle more, and watched more people I can more correctly comment on how Islam affects people here, in the mean time, dont take that as gospel (snicker at thinking someone would).

Anyway, I was bored of Arabic last night and wandered into the German girl's room. Previously in the night I had stayed away b/c another guy and her, or just the guy was discussing German grammar. I dont like English or Arabic grammar, and I cant speak German, so you'll forgive me for being less than social.

Okay, anyway (I need a new word for 'anyway'), when I came back the next time, I forgot what they were talking about, but the subject of the chicks organization came up. Now Ive been in the Mid East for around 3? weeks and Im already jumping into trying to figure out the Arabs. To be able to talk to someone thats been here for months, and lived with families, thats a gold mine. Anyway, I asked her about my theory on Islam being more of a identity than a practiced and loved religion. She actually agreed. Thats good news since the corner stone of my theory wasnt immediately destroyed.

And on and on (no 'anyway'-wait...HENCE), Hence, being a girl and hanging out with Muslim Arab girls she gave me an insight to the other half of the world I havent been able to see, or know about. Varying from country to country, the Mid East is largely a boys club. If your a guy its pretty great except for the dowery thing. We got on the subject of salon's, there being a mens barber in the hotel. I wrongly assumed the covered women just cut their hair with siscors (sp? sigh). Totally wrong, apparently at girl only parties all the women who wish will unveil and cloak, revealing colored and styled hair. She also said alot of them would wear "sexy" clothes at the parties. It seems like a underground world, where on the surface, the guys rule. In the freedom of walls though, the women still dress Western, whether in front or not of men. She also told stories how the women gossip and joke with each other, and yup, its a apparently dirty too. Too dirty for my ears to ear anyway.

The other big thing Ive noticed about the Arabs is the seemingly lack of, or resistance to order. This one I cant really figure out, and I dont know if I'll figure it out in the short 5 or so weeks I have left. I dont know if its the governments that make them this way, but you could argue the gov's have to have control to control the mobs. It could the the limited chances to think or spak freely, I really dont know. I have to watch and talk to alot more people to even get the tip of the iceberg on this one.

And finally apparently from the emails I got someone is reading (atleast the first few lines), so I have redoubled my efforts to post. I promise even if theres nothing to say, those of you who have been in the wrong place at the wrong time know my ablility to recount historical excitings.

Opps, theres the call to prayer, its dinner time. Speaking of which I found out its a recording (lame sauce covering a lame baked chicken), and its seems they just kinda pick when to blow the horns. Its always kinda close, but sometimes they surprize you with an early one.



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