Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Saturday, July 30, 2005

Welcome to the DEAAAAAAD SEA!

This weekend we didnt go to the Dead Sea as the title might lead you to believe. Okay, we actually did go there. We also went to ol' Mt. Nebo where the Prophet Moses (Peace be upon him) got to see the Land of Milk and Honey. Sorry for the wierd last line, but thats how they all talk about it, it gets into your head. Anyway, saw that, then attempted to go the Baptism site in Jordan. Didnt get to go since it was about to close, but they said we'll go next weekend. My favorite dirty Catholic, the last Pope visited the area in 2000 confirmed the site was the legit one, instead of the fake one the Israeli's have been passing off for a number of years. Those Jews, always tricky.

So then we made our way to the Dead Sea, which I couldnt stop saying it like a old horror movie, you know, "thats Draaaaacula's Castle! Muhahaha". The Dead Sea is the lowest point on Earth, which every single Jordanian will tell you. It reminds me of when people talk about New Orleans around Mardi Gras, every single person doing the story has to make sure you have heard that N.O. is actually below sea level atleast 10,000 times. They also like to inform you that nothing can live in the Dead Sea, which hence, the name comes from. And I always thought it was a trick, that it was actually the most fish teeming sea in the world, like the whole Greenland/Iceland thing. Dang it, you Arabs fooled me once again.

Hence, the Dead Sea is freaky, I though that you'd kinda be floating, instead almost more of your body is out of the water than in. I think it spoiled me, since I doubt I'll agree to swim in water that doesnt keep me up automatically. A few people may know of my knack for starting something without fully thinking through whats going to happen. Well, I decided as long as I was covering my body in the mud (which is supposed to be healthy or magic, or something) I would give myself an awesome mud helmet. About half way through of completing said helmet the water in the mud made its way down to my eyes, which then blinds you with its 33% salt concentration blinding abilities. I was then forced to sit there and think about what I had just done, and how Ive even lived this long with that being on the low end of retarded things. Sitting there in the water trying to open my eyes I ended up having to call out to my fellow students and got to hold hands while a guy led me up to the showers to wash out my head. You think I would remember I dont like picking sand out of my ears or hair, you would think.

Then we spent 30 minutes digging for salt crystals, which after moving around a bit we realized that what some parts we thought were rocks or sand were actually gaint salt rocks streching on like roads. Our guide said in the sea there is literally mountians of salt underneath the water. If mermaids or something made castles out of those and fought each other, that'd be so cool.

In an earlier post I was saying how the Arabs have really taken on the identity of whatever country they are from. Its generally accepted that everyone hates the Saudi's and Kuwati's, but even Jordanians, Palestians, Egyptians, etc. will make a point to say where their moms and dads are from, that a certain food or whatever is X's traditional thing. Even the Jordanians say the Syrians over charge them when they go to Syria ( which Im not sure if it matters if your in Syria since everything is apparently ridiculously cheap).

Im really thinking about going back to Jerusalem next weekend right after school is out. Yeah, I might have to do that.


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