Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Yeah so the weird thing is about blogging is that it is slightly addictive. No matter that no really reads it, its just there, and you are compeled to post. As Ive said before the blog here will come to a close soon, probably when I scrap up enough energy to post some promised pics. Pics that have been mentioned so much that most of the people who ever see this have started to think of them as a sort of El Dorado. In the mean time, to try to not to lose ALL of the readers (since I have so many-I cant really bitch about not having readers since Ive gone to some lengths to keep this blog a secret) I thought Id go on more awards....

Absolutely Hottest Security/Customs/Army: Far and away, Israel. Seriously, Id advise all guys to to vist this place just to get a glimpse of the ridiculousness of the customs agents. Although I never made out with one (sniff) the Israeli's know atleast one thing, and thats always having one up on Khadafi's security hotness level.

Most Insane City Ive Ever Set Foot In: Cairo. Period. Ive said it before, I'll say it again, if you want some real Arab/Islamic culture go here. Even though Ive only been to 3 Mid East countries, this place seems to be the platform for setting the crazy bar (atleast from what I gather from people who have gone elsewhere).

Easiest Arab Country to go to: Jordan. While a good number of the group I was with had problems adjusting to Arab culture, this place makes Egypt seem like the moon. And Egypt makes this place seem like some state in America you didnt really know about, except it was full of Ara Muslims.

One of the Most Screwed People Groups (well kinda) on the Planet: Alhtough this award could be tied for by several people, and the Pals are technically Arab, the Palestinians, yay for Arab Unity. My Palestinian teacher made the jokes how there are no Palestinians in Palestine, but theyre everywhere else in the world. After talking with several of them I tend to agree.


At Wed Apr 19, 11:49:00 PM EDT, Blogger S. Seikel said...

so chris, all the crazy russians go to egypt for holiday, because its less crazy than russia.


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