Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Monday, August 08, 2005

The Base

So today I woke up in, what I later realized, was a strangley silent hotel room. We keep our curtains back so waking up at 6 sometimes isnt that rare with the sun pouring in. Laying there thinking about how I needed to get a shower so I could run down to the bus I realized my dear roommate, little Gary Gary Gary Gary wasnt there. Then I realized my clock said 10:30. Crap, I was probably one of 5 people here that havent skipped any days of class, now Ive just been kicked out of that club. I do know that when Im awakened when I still want to be asleep, I'll basically say anything my brain can get out to go back to sleep. You want me to be here at that time? Yeah, yeah, 30 more seconds. I doubt I was just left sleeping, but as to what I said to stay in bed is a total mystery. One I assume I'll find out when everyone gets back.

Walking out in the silent, empty hall felt like I was in one of the creepy Silent Hill video games, where everything starts out kinda off, then gets super weird. Standing in the hall for about 10 minutes, no kind of weird monster dogs wandered around the corner, or big tentacles came out of the walls. So Im fairly sure Im still in the reality I was in when I went to bed. Atleast, I really hope so.

What do you do when you wake up and everyones gone? I dont know, so I went and got something to eat, promised I'd study later extra hard, and came to my home away from home, the Gallery Net internet cafe.

So anyway, Keaton asked in an email if how I thought the Arabs might adapt to a Movientcian government. I'm not really sure right now, I just erased a good chunk of the post about Mov., Im not sure if people really want this to become the Mov. open forum (I think I can actually hear the sighs of relief).

But in other news, the headscarf post is once again getting pushed back by another topic, stupid Hollywood. I know Ive talked about this in atleast a few emails with people, and since I dont ever really look back at the posts Im pretty sure I havent said anything about it before here.

To set up why I'm talking about this, I'll submit the latest, and probably greatest example of how Hollywood is the absolute worst PR machine for America, even more than stories about ripped up Qurans, bombs on Iraqi civilians, or constantly veteoing stuff for Isreal ever could. So the story goes, 2 girls out of the group fed this cat, and have given it medicine for an eye infection next door of the hotel. The cat hangs around in front of this house, which some dude lives in (yes, a guy living in a house, shocking). Anyway, so 2 nights ago the girls are looking for the cat and the guy comes out and motions them inside. Theyre thinking the cat is in there and go in, they continue thinking this until they reach the bedroom and hes smiling and motioning them to the bed. Against his hopes, the 2 American girls did not have sex with him right on the spot. I had gone with them a few times before to watch Sara shove her finger down the cats throat to make sure he got the medicine, now I have to go to escort the girls when theyre propostioned for favors.

Whats bad, is this story is really just the best example of how it is here, and there are plenty other stories to go along with it. Becuase of Americas out of control soft empire, the Arabs are fed a steady diet from Hollywood, from sticoms to movies. The end result is that all black people will rob or murder you, cities are extremly dangerous, and American girls really just hate not having sex with the nearest guy.

I guess on one hand, they are kinda right, where American girls are absolute dirty, dirty whores compared to the much more laid back, not stupid, and largely virginal Arab girls. But on the other hand, geez, thanks Hollywood. A picture of how America is has been swallowed wholly by the people here, trying to correct this person by person is a job all in itself.

Yup, still dont want to go back to the States, please mail me my Unicorns cd and then I'll no reason to leave.


At Tue Aug 09, 01:56:00 AM EDT, Blogger bitterhoney said...

why in gods name did you GO to jordan without your unicorns CD in the first place!?


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