Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Monday, August 01, 2005

What you miss in class

Man, a bunch has happened in a matter of 24 hours...

Ol' King Fahd finally died after spending 10 years in a coma, or vegetative state, or something where you cant rule youre country. Now Crown Prince Abdullah is taking over the sand castle of Saud. It'll be interesting what happens since according to a few books and whatnot Ive read he about the only one (lucky he was the CP) that wanted to clean up the royal family's corrupt, hedonistic...errr, good Muslim lifestyle.

Also, the Dead Sea apparently liked me even more than I liked it and gave me some salt in my digital camera so now it cant focus. Im thinking I might could crack it open and just use a manipulated stolen fork from the hotel resturant to fix whatever is the problem. All the chips and crap in there is just to scare you to not fix it yourself.

Annnnd, after a long, long, and over explained story, my bank cant do a wire transfer here. A few other options would make paying the school easier, like if they took credit cards. The Jordanians, never failing to give you surprizes along the way though, do not. You can watch me withdrawing the max amount I can off my credit card everyday to get enough cash to throw it on their desk and laugh.

Anything thing else? Oh, some girls found a kitten that has an eye infection (eyes crusted shut) near our hotel. Instead of the mercy death I suggested they've began giving him antibiotics, and its working. Now, since the eye infections are re-occuring, the cat should have atleast a few years of running aroung Amman making more cats before it starves to death with another eye infection.

Man, I have less than 2 weeks left. This thing should have been like 12, or a year.


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