Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Walking is faster

Having a blog is kinda hard work. If I think of something funny to post I'll usually do that when Im day dreaming in class or on the bus, niether time I have access to a computer to type down my witty and interesting insights. Then, when I do roll around to having a little computer in front of me Im usually thinking how I should get back to the hotel and do some homework, since my addiction to this stupid Zero Hour game claims the time before hand. On the upside, I think Im sick of that game, or have been for awhile. The bad part is I keep playing with the other guys even though I dont really want to or enjoy, Im just compelled to. The only good thing about having to return to America is that game will be left half way across the world. Unless by chance they sell computer games in America, I'll have to check into that.

Any way, I led a group of people back to Jerusalem, that city is awesome. Being there isnt much to type about since we ended up being there less than 24 hours (about 20 I'd say, but only 2 sleeping). The semi interesting part, or the part where one might get an glimpse into dealing with Arabs on a daily basis, was getting there.

We knew we had to leave immediately after lunch, so we asked our bus driver to call us a taxi, which would be there in 20 minutes. The guy finally showed up after about exactly an hour and 20 minutes, and the "taxi" turned out to be the bus drivers brother, or cousin, or whatever. So the guy shows up to pick up 8 people with a van that has 7 seats, except he also has another guy along for the ride. After 4 people on one bench, 3 in the back and one guy sharing the front seat with mystery dude we took around Jordan. When we passed a sign saying a town we had already been by was close it slowly (or quickly) became very clear our taxi driver had no real idea how to actually get to the bridge (unless you count *that way*, point in general western direction). By the time we got there the bridge had closed 20 minutes earlier, the stop the let the van cool down probably didnt help. We asked him when it did close, he said 3. That was probably the truth, since taxis are picking up people 2 and a half hours after it closed.

He offered to take us to the northern crossing, but after the time it closed chnaged from 9 to 8, and he asked 2 people for directions, we just said to take us to the Dead Sea. The next morning we got it. That city rocks, its really just fun being there. You could be sitting and still be having more fun than any rollercoaster could offer at Frontier City.

On a sad note though, my goal of making out with a super hot Isreali girl was never realized. Guessing that I might not be back until Im older, and thus, chances further diminished, I'll just have to cry myself to sleep every night for awhile. I doubt though, my semi hobo look of wearing the same pair of jeans and shirt for however long, combined with lack of showering the day before, and sweat (ohhh the sweat) helped my cause. *Sniff*

Ive decided to now dedicate the following to a few awards that need to be given for the summer:

"Coolest City": Jerusalem. By far, I cant get enough of it. The combo of current politics, being a center for 3 religions that have a third of the earth belonging to them, and the history (5,000 years ago to the last 60) make it something no other city can compare to. Its awesome.

"Coolest/Most Interesting Person": That Sergey guy I met in Amman, if there was awards for "Person Ive Met Thats Killed the Most People, and Also Probably Should Have Died Several Times" he would get that one too. He's also get the "I Now Have to Buy an Under Armor Shirt Becuase Youre Wearing One Too" award. Good luck Sergey, I hope the car you select to purchase is a good one and lasts a long time without any transmission trouble or whatnot.

Runner Up: I dont think he killed anyone, but a Arab guy I met the first time in Jerusalem named David. He bought me coffee and this sweet cheese stuff. So he get a spot too.

"People That Know of, but Clearly Dont Understand What a Travelers Check, or Does": The Jordanians at Hashemite University, and Arab Bank. To further complicate me trying to pay for school, they wont take TC's. Even after they said they did, awww thats sweet of them. And no, I still dont care that it takes a month for you to get the money from them. See, its a check thats already paid for, so youll get the money. And no, they dont work by you sending them to Am Ex, then Am Ex sending you the cash and you giving it to me. If thats what happened, I would have probably just brough cash in the first place.

Thats it for now. Oh yeah at the McDonalds in J-town they had Mc Sharma (chicken stuff) and McKebabs (not like American Kebabs). But they dont have them here in Jordan, super crappy. And yes, we had to eat there becuase no where else was open at the time. So shut up.

Do I have to back in a week? Well, technically "no", hmmmmmmmmm


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