Team Khateer

Seek it. Find it. Adventure it.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Leavin' on a jetplane

So since Im too paranoid (rightly so if you know of my ability to sleep through important things is) that I wouldnt wake up to go to the airport at 4 I decided to just stay up the rest of the night. I figure Im only losing 2-3 hours of normal sleep, and being awake on intercontinental flights is a riot to begin with, Im not going to miss much.

The last things I'll say before Im ferried off to the airport is the Jordan experience (and before hand as well) really in no brought me closer to understanding anything completely (not even counting the Arabs). To be squishy and stuff, the more you learn largely opens up more questions that need answering.

The Jordan part of the blog seemed to concentrate more on who the Arabs are/or how does their society function. In some ways I think I answered some qeustions for myself, but in others, spending not even 8 weeks in the Mid East can really give you the material needed to address these questions.

I guess in a way this last post is the most lame of all I think Ive posted. Its more of a promise to all the people I met and friends I made here they wont be forgotten, or nicely generalized and boxed up with a pretty little bow. At the end of it, do I hate the Arabs? No way. Are there some things that bug the crap out of me? You betcha (having to ask the price everytime at a place we freqeunt pops to mind). But are there great things about this culture? Absolutely, theres a reason why the West has found this place and people so exotic and exciting.

Enough emoting, I gotta leave (literally).


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